Barbarian To Inclusivity and Beyond

Barbarian Brewing

To Inclusivity and Beyond

4.5% ABV | 20 IBU

We partnered with Inclusive Idaho to brew this Sour Porter with dates and pomegranate fruit in celebration of Black History Month. This beer was inspired by ingredients used in ancient Egypt, where many historians believe was the original birthplace of beer.

About Barbarian Brewing

“Why the f**k not?”

 That’s our motto around here. Ancient barbarians never bothered with pesky concepts like rules or limits, and neither do we. If we (or our customers) come up with a completely bonkers idea, we’re all in.

 The coolest part of our brewery is that we can do whatever we want. All it takes are a few untamed minds, a little elbow grease … and maybe a few pints of beer. When you give civilization the finger, true innovation happens. Barbarian’s delicious, complex, artisan ales and lagers are a godless mashup of old world traditions and new world flavors.