Seattle – Thursday, August 7th, the Brouwer’s Café will be pouring the limited Midnight Sun Barfly Smoked Imperial Stout. Only released once before, this beer is only available at select locations throughout the Northwest. Of those locations, Brouwer’s might be your only option.

image sourced from Midnight Sun BrewerySomber and smoky, BarFly Smoked Imperial Stout saunters into the room slowly. Thick smoke. Cool swagger. Good wood. Bit of bourbon. Sticky leather. Slow glances. Lingering looks. Vanilla. The only thing that didn’t make the glass was maraschino cherry. Bring your own and…wear out your welcome.

First brewed as part of our 2010 Pop Ten Series, BarFly was added to our Alaska’s Most Wanted line-up in 2014. Bourbon barrel-aging requires a long leisure so this beer is not on a set schedule but we hope to get a batch out about once a year.

Barfly will be available at 6pm. However the bar has secured other Midnight Sun beers such as; Sockeye Red India Pale Ale, United Strong Belgian-style Pale, and a few others. Plus there will be someone from the brewery, should there be any questions about the featured beers.