In the face of COVID-19, The Washington Brewers Guild shares the following resources with breweries

In the face of COVID-19, The Washington Brewers Guild shares the following resources with breweries
image sourced from the Washington Brewers Guild

image sourced from the Washington Brewers Guild

During a time when people should be out wearing green, drinking Irish-inspired beers, or consuming copious amounts of starches and proteins, the brewers of the Washington Brewers Guild have published a guide for struggling brewers in the state (of Washington).

Normally, we would break it down but we think what has been said is important enough to copy-paste and share here. If you want the hard copy, please go to

March 17, 2020 – Governor Issued Emergency Declaration Closing Restaurants, Bars and More

Yesterday, Governor Inslee issued an emergency declaration ordering the closure of restaurants, bars, tap and tasting rooms, entertainment and recreation venues. While brewery on-premise activities must cease, there is allowance for brewery to-go sales and deliveries. The order can be found here.

The Seattle Times has additional info here and is reporting that the order will extend through the end of the month.

The order includes language allowing for take-out and to go sales: “This Proclamation does not prohibit the sale of prepared food or beverages that are otherwise legally delivered or taken out of the venue for consumption or the purchasing of groceries that are not consumed within the premises, more commonly known as drive-through, take-out, and delivery services.”

We will continue to communicate information coming out from the Governor’s office, our state regulators, community resources, and information about help for small businesses and employees.

These are unprecedented times and we know there will be immediate and lasting impacts to our state breweries and will be working with lawmakers and others in the hospitality sector to seek economic and regulatory relief for impacted breweries.

Resources for Businesses and Employees:

Beer Delivery Rules/Curbside Pick-Up

Rules for delivery compliance can be found on our website, here. Please note: the links to the required LCB forms will download to your computer. Email completed forms to your local LCB enforcement agent.

We were also able to confirm with the LCB, in writing, that breweries may take online or phone orders/payment and bring purchased product out to a customer’s car for curbside pick-up service. Just be sure you’re checking IDs and that your product’s label meets federal labeling requirements.

Brewers Association Resources:

Brewers Association Coronavirus Resource Center

Washington State is not alone in being under a mandatory closure mandate for breweries, bars, restaurants and other businesses, as many other states have followed. Congress is working on a series of measures to address the growing economic impact for small businesses and workers.

We are actively working under the leadership of the Brewers Association and coordinating with state guilds from across the country to advocate for breweries in DC. The Brewers Association is seeking your input. Please take a moment to complete this survey, as it will inform on-going advocacy at the federal level.

CBC Cancellation Notice – Brewers Association announced that the 2020 Craft Brewers Conference is canceled. You can find full cancellation details here. We know this comes as a great disappointment to many and especially the wonderful team at the BA who have put a tremendous amount of time and energy into this conference. We appreciate everyone’s understanding. 

Department of Health:

Association of Washington Businesses COVID-19 Employer Resources

King County Public Health Guidance for Retail Establishments

WA Department of Health Food Workers Guidance

Financial Resources for WA Residents:

Financial Resources for WA Residents Impacted by COVID-19 

Small Business Local Resources

The City of Seattle’s Office of Economic Development has been allocated $1.5 million to help qualifying small businesses located in Settle with 5 employees or less

Amazon has created a $5 million Neighborhood Small Business Relief Fund to help small companies located within a few blocks of its Seattle headquarters

Additional Small Business Assistance:

Small businesses in many Washington counties are now eligible to apply for low‑interest U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Economic Injury Disaster Loans to offset economic losses because of reduced revenues caused by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

The Association of Washington Businesses is hosting a March 23th webinar for WA employers , hear what resources are available for you and your business as we navigate how COVID-19 continues to impact our state and the economy. All WA employers are invited to join, just register here.

Department of Revenue info on how to defer certain tax payments

The Department of Employment Security has developed emergency rules and a Q&A sheet for employers and employees impacted by the coronavirus

Info on Washington’s Paid Family and Medical Leave and Shared Work Program

City of Seattle Measures for Small Businesses Impacted by Coronavirus

Department of Commerce COVID-19 Info & Updates

SBA Loans for Businesses Impacted by Coronavirus

Unemployment Security Department Resources:

COVID-19 Resource List for WA Businesses and Workers

Unemployment Benefits

Employment Security Department Emergency Employment Resources