
Stormy Mountain Lake Chelan Hops Golden Ale

Released: Mid September

A light summer ale with rich malt notes, crowned with the finest batch of Fresh Hops grown by the side of Lake Chelan.

Ingredients: Base 2 Row, Golden Promise, Crystal 45, Vienna, and fresh Centennial, Chinook, and Cascade hops, all grown at the local Lake Chelan Hops farm

4.5% ABV | 32 IBU

Stormy Mountain Lake Chelan Hops Golden Ale

Kelowna NEIPA

For this beer, we went on a little road trip to one of our hop suppliers and came back with 70lb of hop cones fresh from the fields. The hops in this beer were on the bine in the morning and in our beer by lunchtime so they are as fresh and they come.

Ingredients: Wheat, Pale, malts; fresh Chinook and Cascade hops from Bredenhof Hop Farms; and kilned Magnum and Chinook hops.

5% ABV | - IBU

Kelowna NEIPA