Phillips Greep Reaper

Fresh Hop IPA

image courtesy the brewery

Release Date:

Green Reaper is a Fresh Hop apparition sent to collect your taste buds and guide them to the aftertaste. The hops aren't dried: they are delivered fresh to the brewhouse within 24 hours of harvest, maximizing hoppy flavour. But harvest time is short, so grab yours before it goes out of season for another year.

Malt: Malted Barley

Fresh Hops: Cascade from Maple Bay Hop Farm

Non-Fresh Hops: This year's batch was mash-hopped with fresh Cascade, and dry-hopped with a mixture of fresh, unkilned cryo hop pellets made from Azacca, Cascade, Citra and Simcoe.

ABV: 6.5%

IBU: 55

Fresh Hop Events