The Northwest Beer Guide

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(WA) CORRECTION: Snoqualmie Falls Brewing's Janelle Pritchard Makes Draft Magazine’s Top 10 Beers Brewed by Women List.

Snoqualmie, WA – It has come to our attention, from our friend and recently recognized Snoqualmie Falls brewer Janelle Prichard, that Wildcat IPA, despite what you were lead to believe, it not Janelle’s beer.

The piece written by Emily Haile with  input from Teri Fahrendorf, was written to bring attention to the many contributions that women have made in brewing process. Regrettably, it was never this overzealous writer’s intent to indicate that both Emily or Teri were incorrect in regards to Janelle, based on our interpretation. Instead it should be interpreted by those that read the story as a history lesson on women’s many contributions to the breweries around the world.

Sorry for the confusion folks, but often in the age of instant on information, we forget to take a breath before hitting the send button on our laptops.
