The Northwest Beer Guide

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Heater Allen Bobtoberfest

image courtesy the brewery

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Bobtoberfest is our favorite seasonal beer to brew and drink as it allows us to remember our brother and uncle Bob Allen, who passed away from cancer almost 19 years ago. An avid homebrewer and beer enthusiast, we felt that the best way to make a tribute to Bob would be to brew a beer in his honor. This beer is done more in the Märzen style and is malty with a nice dry finish.


  • Malts: Vienna and Munich malts

  • Hops: Hersbrucker hops

5.8% ABV | ~25 IBU

About Heater Allen Brewing

How the Brewery came to be

When Rick started home brewing 25 years ago, he seemed to have a knack for making good beer.  When the opportunity came up to move away from the banking world, his first thought was to look into brewing. After a short stint at a California winery, Rick decided that a brewery focused around a more niche-oriented product made sense. Before getting licensed, he spent a year working on brewing techniques, consistency, and recipe development. At one point he brewed 14 batches of Pilsner in a row - unheard of for a home brewer!  

With encouragement from family and a number of friends, Rick started Heater Allen in April of 2007. The brewery started with a glorified home-brew system of 20 gallon batches. After the initial success of the brewery a 6 BBL system was purchased and installed in the spring of 2008. In late fall of 2013 a brand new 15 BBL system was installed to keep up with growing demand. Yearly barrel production as of end of 2017 was approximately 1250 barrels.

Where the Brewery got its name

Heater is Rick's wife Jan's maiden name, and Allen is his last name. He figures that you should always give your wife first billing. While Rick has little German heritage on his side of the family, most of Jan's family is of German descent. Their daughter Lisa who works for the brewery is a true Heater Allen.

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